Project Description

Riverside Childcare contacted us about creating some branded clothing for them. They initially wanted a selection of different sized high vis jackets with a big logo on the back as well as a smaller logo on the front left breast, along with a handful of grey t-shirts with the logo just on the front left. After we created these they were very happy and asked us to design and apply some vinyl decals on some items that were at their childcare centre, along with an acrylic sign for outside.

The logo for Riverside Chidcare has a few different colours meaning when it came to cutting and pressing the designs onto the clothing we had to piece the logo together colour by colour and this technique made for a really nice clean finish on the final product. Knowing the high vis jackets were going to be worn by young children we made sure the material adhered perfectly, so that the design would not come off.

Brand Everything

When it comes to having a business, marketing is everything and Riverside Childcare do a great job at using social media to reach people but with branded clothing and signage they will always be marketing themselves, with no extra work.

Activity Books

There is nothing better to keep children engaged than a creative and fun activity book, we designed and created a mockup of the activity book so the team at Riverside Childcare could use them on rainy days.